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Is craft beer, well, “beer”? And do brewpubs sell “craft beer”? While this is not a direct focus of the final chapter of Ogle, she provides evidence towards puzzling out these questions.

In 300 words (basic one side of one sheet of paper if you use a memo format), what would we look at to decide whether this three business forms are part of the same industry? If you had data, what would you want to examine? What does this imply for the strategy of AB InBev? for craft brewers? for the many small brewpubs, that only sell beer on premises? Do they employ the same business model? Does that matter (or, given the contingency of strategy, when does that matter, and when doesn’t it)?

As a memo, think of it going to a “buy-side” portfolio manager who knows nothing of beer and brewing, and needs to decide what sort of reports to ask her assistants to seek, and (if she’s not desk-bound, that is, intends to be an analyst who adds value) with whom she should share a brew, and where.

With 300 works, you must be concise – that stuff about passive voice. Your topic must be in the first sentence, and your conclusion in the second sentence. You then spell out your argument, obvious with the ability to make only 1 or perhaps 2 points. Make sure nothing gets repeated, or you’ll be able to say even less!

Due Friday 30 December.