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Winter 2016 Schedule

MWF 11:15a-12:10p – CGL 203

Winter 2016 Schedule
Week Day Date Topic Theory Texts
Week I Mon 11-Jan Introduction: Miller Lite & Anheuser Busch’s reaction Simple Models, Complex Strategies Hotelling
Wed 13-Jan AB Inbev: Market Power? Basic S&D models Martin Chapter 2
Fri 15-Jan Demand and Elasticity basic models, continued Martin esp §2.3.4
Week II Mon 18-Jan MLK DAY NO CLASS commemoration Saturday at First Baptist
homework for Tues 19-Jan Beer Production YouTube video (National Geographic Ultimate Factory) posted late, but useful to watch this week
Tues 19-Jan What is Beer? class discussion video, blog post, T&T Chaps 1-2
Thur 21-Jan Economies of Scale basic models (cont), in beer context T&T Chaps 3-4
Week III
Blogging: Andrew, Athena, Walker
Mon 25-Jan Beer as a High Tech Industry Ogle Chapters 1-3
first paper due
class discussion
Wed 27-Jan Cournot Oligopoly I: Martin §3.2 review monopoly, start duopoly models
Fri 29-Jan Bertrand Oligopoly I: Martin §3.3 (class ends early: 1:45 pm flight from Roanoke)
Week IV
Blogging: Brian, Chase, Daniel
Mon 1-Feb Cournot vs Bertrand Why are price wars so unusual? Martin §3.4
Wed 3-Feb Predation net present value Martin §6.2
Fri 5-Feb Tacit Collusion sustainability of price fixing Martin §6.3-§6.4discussion of cartel examples
Week V
Blogging: Grant, Jake, Jier, William
Mon 8-Feb Tacit Collusion, cont. Net Present Value Martin §6 continued
Wed 10-Feb Mergers Simple Arithmetic of Market Power Martin §11
Fri 12-Feb Mock Convention no class attend to blogging!!
Week VI
Blogging: Jim, Joe, Zack
Mon 15-Feb class cancelled under the weather
Wed 17-Feb (PACE) NO CLASS
Fri 19-Feb Vertical Integration in Steel why own (or not) mines and service centers? Warrian eBook
Washington Break
Week VII
Blogging: Kelly, Kinsey, Patrick, Walker
Mon 29-Feb Vertical Integration and Franchising Double Marginalization Martin Ch 12
Wed 2-Mar Franchising Transaction Costs: Coase & Williamson Martin Chs 10, 12
Fri 4-Mar Devil’s Backbone on US 11 North we’ll discuss logistics in class
Blogging: William, Zack, Andrew
Mon 7-Mar Price Discrimination (I) Two-part Pricing: Concert Pricing, Cell Phone Pricing Martin Ch 8
Wed 9-Mar Price Discrimination (II) Bundling Martin Ch 8
Fri 11-Mar Price Discrimination (III) Versioning and Tie-ins: Used Cars and Popcorn at the Movies Martin Ch 8
Week IX
Blogging: Athena, Brian, Chase
Mon 14-Mar Advertising The Good Martin Ch 13
Wed 16-Mar Advertising The Bad Martin Ch 13
Fri 18-Mar Advertising The Ugly Martin Ch 13
Week X
Blogging: Daniel, Grant, Jake
Mon 21-Mar Technology What is it? Martin Ch 14
Paper #3 due: steel sector case study
Wed 23-Mar Technology Models Push vs Pull vs Great Inventor = random Martin Ch 14
Fri 25-Mar Innovation Incentives Small Firms, Large firms, Arrow, Schumpeter Martin Ch 14
Week XI
Blogging: Jerry, Jim, Joe
Mon 28-Mar IPR: public goods, private goods definitions Martin Ch 15
Wed 30-Mar IPR: tradeoffs breadth & length Martin Ch 15
Fri 1-Apr IPR: adoption logistics curves, being trendy vs QWERTY Martin Ch 15
Week XII
Blogging: Kelly, Kinsey, Patrick
Mon 4-Apr Case Studies ArcelorMittal and new firm boundaries Guest speaker: Prof Peter Warrian, UToronto
Wed 6-Apr Case Studies Gentex and entry deterrence handout / ppt
Fri 8-Apr Case Studies PACE Awards as a window on technology policy handout / ppt
Paper #4 Due: Reading [not drinking] Beer